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Month: March 2018

To masque or not to masque – that is the question!

Posted on 21/03/2018

Is your skin dry, wrinkly, oily and greasy looking or just generally looking dull?  Cleansing, toning and moisturising our skin often takes priority and many people forget the importance of using a facial masque.

I see a facial masque as a first aid kit; when your skin has gone dry or dehydrated it can feel tight and itchy. …

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Baby Massage Taster Session in Cheltenham

Posted on 18/03/2018

Baby Massage Taster Sessions at Cheltenham Reflexology and Massage 

Wednesday 28th March at 1pm

Wednesday 11th April 11am


Baby Massage Cheltenham

Baby massage has been used for decades in Western society and centuries in India.  There are proven benefits of massage to young children and these are not restricted to just psychological ones, like a sense of relaxation. 

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